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Revolutionize your business with Power BI Dubai


Our team has good experience integrating Power BI with the other Process Aware Information Systems such as ERP, BPMS. We have also integrated Power BI with different tables of a particular application and Excel files. It is possible to be integrated via direct queries,  web services, Power BI embedded, excel integration and etc. You can retrieve the data based on your requirements. It can be scheduled daily, hourly and minutely. Depends on your business requirement, you can merge and append different tables and add your columns for your targeted reports and dashboards. The managers can take a look in the provided dashboard to control the organizational performance in a real time way. They can also select the the bars and drill it down to analyze properly.

some of our important and practical experience are mentioned in the following:

Process KPIs: 

We integrated ProcessMaker with Power BI in order to create the process efficiency, employee efficiency and cost or saving. Meanwhile the users run their tasks, the data is captured by ProcessMaker and then Power BI dashboard. The managers can control the KPIs to find the bottlenecks. 

Manufacturing KPIs:

The key important manufacturing KPIs such as OEE and its important components availability, performance and quality can be captured from ERP system in a real time way to enhance the overall effectiveness equipment. 

Cost of Goods Manufactured:

For manufacturing companies, monitoring COGM & COGS not only helps in managing production department performance, but also enhances market share and net income in a competitive market. By integrating our ERP system with Power BI, the managers can closely track the finished cost for every production order.


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